This is the complete programme of events from July to September. Here information and updates on current events.
The project focuses on the possibility of dramaturgically disseminating scientific research topics and has the aim of providing techniques and methods of theatrical writing, applying it to the staging in order to allow each student to build a story (a dialogue, a monologue , a short text) and to verify its effectiveness.
Methodology: through a work of continuous stimulus, we will work to bring each participant closer to the essence of the creative and theatrical craft. The work on stage writing will be constant and will address these aspects:
• Building a character
• The elaboration of monologues and dialogues.
• The architecture of a story (practices, rules, developments)
• The union between written words and staging
• The workshop, held by two young and successful Milanese playwrights, will see the participation of Marco Casazza, director, and two tutors, Fabiola Faidiga, artist and cultural animator in the field of contemporary arts and Gabriella Valera, teacher and expert in linguistics and ethical issues related to interculturality and dialogue.
From 16 years up
Theatre writing workshop by Chiara Boscaro and Marco Di Stefano .
Reservation required, by June 30, 2020.
For information: